My father taught me long back,
When I was merely a child,
And he could carry me on his back,
Like an empty sack,
That it is required
To be friends with the best,
And mannered, and the humble ones,
And from foes
To keep the hands' distance.

Doubtless, he was right,
Friends are needed
To guide you on the dark path
When there's no light,
When you meet the internal turmoil,
And when with yourself you fight.

Alas, that was a half truth,
For I have a foe,
Who, I believe, is better than a friend,
Who does not
Show me path in dark,
But makes me stay
Away from it instead.

For, when it comes to the foe,
I don't look arond
To get help,
And decide to strike
Alone with all my might,
For when it comes to him,
I seldom care of my limits,
And have only the dezire to beat.

For I never forget
While moving towards my target,
To be most perfect,
I know otherwise,
He will surpass,
And will recklessly drag me back,
And thats why I keep toiling hard.
To keep me ahead on track.

It is this foe,
Who I find better than friend
Who makes my life live,
And makes me battle hard to win,
And life goes on,
Getting more and more beautiful.
Because I have learnt
That nothing makes life
More lively than winning,
And winning,
And winning again.


regards: Vinod Jadhav


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