
Showing posts from May, 2015

::- When they ask me, 'why am here?' -::

Why here ? Or why there ? Am asked this question everywhere. Am not always sure As to what reply will please the seeker, And thus I reply,"I don't know. Or that am not so sure." More often than not, Answer pleases them. I get blank smiles in reply. Somehow they find me closer. Maybe, they are like me only. Well, am not so sure. By: Vinod Regards: Vinod Jadhav " "

::- Chat with strangers app -::

You know what, Sometimes on internet I do chit-chat, Using chat with strangers app. They ask the first question- 'm or f?' Do not confuse yourself, Its 'male or female ?' for short. When I reply with m, They disconnect. However, when it's not disconnected I guess it's female opposite there For sure. And I keep facing dozens of rejections, In the trade of attraction. Every time. And each time I decide That it's going to be my last time there On chat with strangers app. Alas! I keep going online there. Everyday. Regards: Vinod Jadhav " "

::- When world shrinks -::

Honestly, it was too big a world For me; With hords of pals, Aquaintances and Relations. A lots of them. It has been quite a while Am down the opposite side; Alone, Silent, Gloomy still smiling. The world shrank so quickly, Suddenly. So quick with ease It feels almost an illusion. Honestly, I hate being here. The truth is It gets worse. Thus, with each passing second What am reaching for is Lots of melancholy silence. Well, I heard we start liking things Once we get familiar with them. Regards: Vinod Jadhav " "