::- FANTASY -::

I have fantasied long,
Ever since am born,
And I thought,
I have numerous fantasies,
From jumping off the plane,
And reaching the summit of everest,
To going to the disneyland.
Today, I sat down to make a list,
Deciding to be honest.

And I began,
Making a list of my fantasies,
That I have had
Ever since am born.
'God..' I cried,
At the list I made,
For, long I had thought
Mine are wild fantasies
Impossible to attain,
And I had only top few,
In that catagory.

Remaining were the ones
I had abstained from
Out fear and shame,
And of feeling insecure,
And childish enough to perfom.

You too Sir,
Have fantasies,
You have fantasied long,
Ever since you are born,
And you thought they are
Impossible to attain,
And you did not find time for.
To you, sir !
I guarantee,
There are many fantasies
Waiting for you
To leave the fear,
And to forget shame.
There are many fantasies then
Too childish,and too easy to attain,
You will know it,
And will know it when
You will sit down to make a list,
A list of your fantasies.

regards: Vinod Jadhav


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