::- SOMEONE -::

I need someone,
I truly do.
Anyone can take this place,
I just need someone.
Anyone would suffice.

My heart has got heavy,
I need him to speak with.
I want to ease up with him,
And to laugh with.
And above all,
In the silence of my place,
I want someone to seat with.
I just need someone,
Anyone would suffice.

I need someone
who could listen and not just speak,
Who could giggle aloud carelessly,
And smile at the descending rains,
Who could pat my head on dull evenings,
And tell me when to sleep.
I just need someone,
Anyone would suffice.

I am normal,
I want him to be normal.
Not so adamant, not weak,
Who has heart that feels,
And the hands ready to give away smiles.
I just need someone,
And anyone would suffice.

I am searching still,
Still I have found none,
I found some superior, full of self.
And still some needing someone on their behalf.
But still I have not found that one normal,
Who can smile carelessly,
And who can give away more easily than take.
I just need that someone,
Anyone could be.

By- Vinod

regards: Vinod Jadhav


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