::- A Mosquito -::

Fed up by the nuisance
Of this two winged creature,
I sat wearily still,
Listening its beeeeeee... and bonnnn...
Wishing to hear a tune,
And to eye some dance,
Something I had never done before,
I thought there is chance.

It beeeed and bonggged,
In the centre of my ear for long,
And then encircled me
Endless times,
Unless it felt need to suck
Some fluid of me,
Revitaling it
To encircle me again,
And to cheer me up
With its beeeeee and booooon..

It beeeeed and beeeeed
And then dissapeared,
In the vaccuum of second,
I thought it gone away then,
Though it was away for a moment,
I felt free,
And smiled plased with me for my patience,
Untill I saw it come back in the throng,
Enough to teach me,
I was wrong,
To make this insect an observation,
To find for life in the investigation.
Thats why, I picked
Two sheets of cardboards,
And began smashing them,
To give them their insignificant end.


regards: Vinod Jadhav


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