-:: TO SLEEP ::-

There are many
Who can sleep,
And sleep whole days and nights long.
Who can yawn after meals,
And not wake to see dawn.
But, I can't.
I can't sleep.

How cool they seem,
How carefree,
Faces devour peace,
Limbs thrown at liberty,
I see them sleep;
feeling jealousy,Feeling lost.
But still, I can't.
I can't sleep.

It is not that so busy I am,
Not I am sick.
Only a little lonely,
Who couldn't speak,
Who can't forget past,
I am that weak.

So weary it is,
To see pals smile,
From that lonely pile,
To see them cry,
When you failled each try.

The silence is enough already,
Enough is pain.
I want to speak now,
Want to clear the stagnant thought,
Want to weep once,
Want to ease my heart.
In peace I want to take a shower.
I want to sleep now,
Better late than never.

regards: Vinod Jadhav


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