::- A and B of life -::

::::: A :::::

How to kill empty time
Can you suggest me please,
I feel am lost
With nothing to do but ponder
On my recent faillure
And the future I feel drowning with every moment ?

Can you tell me please,
I else to think of
Or something better to do
Than to accuse myself of faillures
Or to kill my spirit ?

Can you tell me please,
How not to feel am done living,
And that nothing is going to change now
Am old enough not to try something ?

::::: B :::::

Well pal, I can tell,
How you feel this moment.
I guess, am not too smart
To suggest you a change;
Humbly, Let me espress.

Why not take a moments break
And ponder on others
Less fortunate
Less of limbs, eyes or senses.

Or, why not take a look at yourself
In a open light
And not into the mirror in your shelf.

I feel you'll see
It's no use to feel apathy,
But it's the hard time
That you get up and set
On the first opportunity you get.
And not wait for the corect job
Or the correct moment.
For, it was empty time
That has played it's trick onto you,
Kill it and you are
The king of your life.

That's all.
Don't wait for right moment;
Get going.

Regards: Vinod Jadhav


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