::- INSULT -::

Who is insulted,
My dear friend, I dont see,
When you insult your girlfriend
In front of me.

Don't mind me please,
Am not intruding.
It's your loud voice instead
Which reveals every word you speak.

But, let me say, my dear pal
You have got a graceful style.
For you do it in large pool of your aquaintances,
And prefer the best obscene words possible,
And use them in busy surroundings.

Now, I feel,
You have crossed all the limits,
By calling her a whore,
And, I see, you are proud
That it's a big addition to your score.

Let me be honest,
I know what you think.
When you use all those obscene words
And your pride multiplies.

But let me tell you beforehand,
My dear pal,
That I feel insulted too,
When I remind myself
That am friend to you
Who thinks insulting girlfriend is cool.

By- Vinod

regards: Vinod Jadhav
" www.tujhyasathikavita.blogspot.com "


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