::- Like a loyal Dog -::

I am a Dog.
I have got senses strong;
And I always sense what's wrong
With your spirits and your heart.
And I try and try
To raise you high
By licking your palms,
And walking on my rears
Till you laugh.
And I feel happier
For my part in your life
Like a loyal Dog.

I know you don't care
To stay merrier.
For your petty spirit easily sinks;
With smaller losses,
And things not so rough.
And I do all the things
Which I did the previous day;
Feeling happier enough
On getting bigger chance
To serve you
With my loyal heart.

It becomes tougher and tougher
To raise you high now;
Your moodswings more frequent.
I have learnt
Some newer and merrier tricks
Like barking in melody,
The jhumba dance,
Walking on my palms,
And jumping like circus Dogs.

You are seldom pleased,
And I get easily pissed,
In trying to make you smile.
For all you do these days
Is to get sadder and sadder
All the time,
Look at me with your swollen eyes,
And bow down your temple
To weep and weep.

Now, I know,
The moment has come
When I should leave you behind
To stand alone in rough times,
And let you fight your own fights,
And to learn to value
Your smiles and your precious life.
Like a loyal Dog should do.

By- Vinod

regards: Vinod Jadhav
" www.tujhyasathikavita.blogspot.com "


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