
Showing posts from January, 2015

::- Am like balloon -::

Sometimes I feel am like balloon full of air. Always inflated. Always in fear. And when I see around me Those settled hard on the floor I feel afraid even more. Its too risky you see To live along with them Being me. And thus i keep my attitude in check, Err i fell. Then as I walk on the ground I see needles and pricking thorns Staring at me wearing gloomy aprons, And I, but refrain from walking around them; Though risky, I beging flying again, For me its a safe heaven. Afterall, am like a balloon full of air I chose to burst in my dare, But all shall look at me with surprised stares. By-Vinod Regards: Vinod Jadhav " "

::- Its Break-up day -::

Its a day I broke up, Its the day I cried at bus stop, Its the day I went back where we sat, Its a day I found the wrapper of last chocklate we had, Its a day I collected but a garbage in pocket, Its a day I learnt that I truly loved her, And its a day she truly bade farewell. By-Vinod Regards: Vinod Jadhav " "


For those who believe That never does love wear out, Allow me to tell you That it really does, and how. For love is but an emotion Born inside human brain, And like everything thats born It too ends. Just make her feel That the thing she took for love Is but a sex-appeal; That she loved but a dress Which she had put on you; For when you'll annoy her This dress will not suit. And if my beloved pal, Now please pay ear to what I've got, She still loves you the same, That infers you've met the true love; Never leave her behind, Take your step back. By-Vinod Regards: Vinod Jadhav " "

::- She will not go -::

You may complain That I did not speak To you last night, I will listen to your every word Honestly, I won't fight back, But I can never let you know Why I did what I did so. For I felt rejected In one moment, And I just could not stand And pretend a smile, That Am but fine. For I can't stand your holding someones hand; You are mine. For I can't really let you know That my heart heaved For a long while When I felt so; And I just let the night pass Staring at the ceiling in dark Telling myself a hundred times or so, "I know she will not go." By-Vinod Regards: Vinod Jadhav " "

::- A missed-call tragedy -::

It was two hours prior I called onto her number, It rang and rang for a minute And none did answer. I thought,"Thank God, She would call me back, She has got my number saved." It was two hours and more But she did not reply, And I thought its better If ones more I try. "Oh sorry sweetheart," she replied "I was just going to call Err I got busy with a movie." "Oh, sorry...enjoyy your show" I said and hung off. And I fell silent, Like my cellphone, For soon the truth dawned upon, That I had an illusion Of being important. I deleted that useless number. May God save me from those Lacking humbleness to call back. Thanks to the missed call. By-Vinod Regards: Vinod Jadhav " "

You remind me of winters day

(to- Rajesh Jadhav) You remind me of winters day Calm, smooth and gay, With a peace in your eyes That seems to have dawned From the spring in paradise; Swiftly chilling the bones In your full glory; Rising slow yet in full grace, Silent like a breeze In vivid dress. And yet have in you the fire of determination, The strength of bull hidden in your stride, And flowing like river the savage pride. No wonder winters day reminds me of you. Regards: Vinod Jadhav " "

::- The Eternal Love -::

Can I possibly tell you my dear, That my love for you is eternal. I fear you will wonder that it was but a lie For so soon I'll die. I wish I have thy palm in my palm When seraphs descend In that fateful moment To take me away from you. I wish those seraphs too Will envy the love between me and you. But I shall die, Only to leave behind my palm In thy palms. And to return to a safe heaven In thy heart. For thats where I wish to live Eternally. Regards: Vinod Jadhav " "